Your business now has a choice of water providers. Make sure you get the best deal for your business water with Tariff.com
Has your business been with Wessex Water for a while? If so, there’s a good chance you could be paying too much for your water. Since 2017, non-household premises have had a choice of water providers. Water suppliers provide, billing, metering, and other customer service activities for their customers.
At a time when costs across the board are increasing, businesses need to save money wherever they can. The days of settling for high water bills are over and by switching suppliers with Tariff.com you could save up to 40%.
We know that taking control of your business water isn’t always easy. That’s why the Tariff team is here to support you and your business utilities. Whether you’re looking to optimise your water usage, switch suppliers or audit bills, Tariff.com is here to help.
We will perform a water audit across your business to assess your usage and examine historical bills to see if you’ve been overcharged. To complete the service, we can then switch you over to a tariff that better matches your requirements.
Business Water Rates
Wessex Water review their charges annually, the following rates are wholesale charges that will occur from April 1st 2022-2023:
We’ll never convince you to make a switch that’s not right for you. Our team can make independent recommendations to help you get the most from your supplier.
Wessex Water covers the North West only, such as Bath, Bristle and Bournemouth. Here at Tariff.com we cover the whole of the UK.
Water rates change every year in April. The price fluctuation will depend on your supplier and sometimes suppliers can decrease their prices. If you find yourself unhappy with your new business rate, you can always switch suppliers to get a better deal.
By switching suppliers, you could save up to 40% on your water bills. At a time when bills are going up, water is one of the few utilities where you could save your business money.
Here at Tariff.com, we can offer a range of services to help your business. We can carry out a water audit or usage survey to help you optimise your water consumption and reduce water waste.
On average each workplace consumes around 50 litres of water per employee. Switch with Tariff.com and you can save up to 40% of your water bill.